The #1 Thing That Will Grow Your Business

The #1 Thing That Will Grow Your Business

There are many factors that go into growing a successful business when you are first starting out. A few of them rise to the top. 

Mike Simmons has an amazing story about how he grew his business and maybe his journey will inspire you to do more than you think you can.

Mike’s Story: 

Mike Simmons started as a flipper in 2008 when the market was going under and nobody knew the future of real estate. He and wife went in when everyone was telling them to get out. They didn’t know much about the business and were doing whatever they could to gain knowledge like googling and going to local real estate events. Going to these local events didn’t work for two reasons: they were both introverts and during these one day events they would sit in the back not engaging, and there was a sense of secrecy with the presenters as though they weren’t really sharing what worked for them. Mike and his wife still managed to start their business and get a little traction. 

Fast forward a few years, Mike’s wife bowed out and he decided to go at it alone. He was making one deal a month, maybe two. He started a podcast realizing he was better one on one and this was a way to gain knowledge using his strengths. On his podcast he interviewed a man named Justin Williams from California who was doing an unprecedented amount of deals every month. Justin said he was starting a Mastermind and invited Mike to join. It was a $25,000 investment and once again, no one really knew how it was going to go. It was a risk, and on day one of the Mastermind in a shabby hotel room, what unfolded was awesome. The first few days all the participants took turns getting up in front of the room and sharing what was happening in their businesses: what was working, what wasn’t, and what they learned from it. That is how Mike met Bill. He had barely done anything in real estate at the time. They connected over the price on printing postcards. Bill was getting his printed for 20 cents less. Just like that after doing the math,  Mike realized Bill had saved him $25,000, the exact price of the Mastermind, on marketing. 

From this Mike learned a few valuable lessons, which we are going to share with you today. 

Lesson #1

Don’t discount off the cuff comments, or the person who hasn’t done the same volume of deals as you. We can’t all be great at everything so someone with one deal under their belt may have that one tip that you just didn’t know. 

Lesson #2: 

What is it that makes someone really excel? 

You can give two people the same set of information and one will build something and the other won’t. What stops you from doing your first deal is not information, it’s mindset. 

Lesson #3: 

What you get from the Mastermind will be multiple things you didn’t know you needed. 

A few meetings in Mike received a tip that doubled his appointment to call ratio. Over the course of the Mastermind, what he learned was how to run a business and how to scale it. How to hire effectively, how to track numbers, how to build workable systems and processes that cut on time and energy. Your business culture and how you treat people how you inspire your team to do their best work. A company’s culture is a lot like a personality. You have to build a company in a way that people want to work for you. 

Lesson #4 & the #1 thing that changed Mike and his company forever is: 

Attending Mastermind events. Why? Because what’s limiting you the most is your mind. Coming to these events is a reset. It is a realization if you are not reaching your potential or thinking too small, you leave with a vision of what you can do. These events and being around these people who are all DOING IT reminds you of what you CAN do. 

The #1 most important thing you can do is get to these events, meet people and talk. You will leave inspired towards a bigger vision of yourself for yourself. 

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