4 years ago, I was flipping 1 to 2 houses per year and spending my nights and weekends trying to “grow” my business.

I was putting in long hours. I was learning everything I could.

I was working hard.

At least, that’s what I told myself.

Looking back, the biggest obstacle to my success was… me.

I was getting in the way of my own growth and I didn’t even know it.

This is one of the biggest problems investors face.

If you’ve been doing this business for a while and you’re struggling to grow…

Or if you’ve been wanting to get into flipping houses but you’re still sitting on the sidelines because you’re too unsure or hesitant to jump in…

…then I want you to watch this episode.

I sat down with an incredible guy named Setema Gali to talk about what it takes to reach “peak” performance in business and in life.

If you’re ready to get out of your own way…

If you’re ready to push yourself to the next level…

If you’re ready to start consistently CRUSHING your goals and ramping up your real estate investing operation…

…then this may be the most important video you watch this year.

Let me explain…

Setema started his professional career doing something most people only dream of…

He got into the NFL and won a Super Bowl ring playing for the Patriots.

Then he got injured.

With his NFL days behind him, he started working in the mortgage business.

And he did incredibly well for a while…

Until the market crashed.

After that, he lost everything.

His cars got repossessed. He moved his family into a small townhome and started working as a door-to-door salesman. He could barely afford to pay rent and utility bills.

He ended up selling his Super Bowl ring to make ends meet.

That was 10 years ago.

Today, Setema is one of the top executive coaches in the nation.

He’s an author, a speaker, and an expert at personal transformation and professional development.

He’s been through a ton of adversity in his life…

…and yet he’s risen through it all to “elite” level again and again.

So what’s his secret?

Setema’s success comes down to a few “mindset habits” that have helped him overcome obstacles and elevate his thinking in ANY situation… whether he’s training for the Super Bowl or building a business.

And if you’re ready to break down barriers and ramp up your real estate investing operation…

…then these habits will help YOU too.

This is powerful stuff… let’s dive in!

If you want to learn more about Setema, tap into his expertise, and get inspired to achieve peak performance in everything you do, check out Setema’s podcast and other content at his website, SetemaGali.com!

Links and Resources

Flip Hacking LIVE 2023 is over... and we had a lot of fun! Click the link below, and we'll notify you when registration opens for our NEXT event! If you want to learn the exact systems and strategies the nation’s top house flippers and wholesalers are using to flip 100s of houses per year, reserve your spot today. Hit the link below to sign up!

– CLICK HERE: FlipHackingLIVE.com

If you’re an experienced real estate investor and you’re ready to get around a community of active house flippers and wholesalers who will support you, hold you accountable, and push you to set goals that inspire you as you grow your business, check out 7 Figure Altitude and see if it looks like a good fit. If it is, I invite you to fill out a quick application to join. If you have any questions, reach out!

– CLICK HERE: 7FigureAltitude.com


Want to continue your house flipping / wholesaling journey? Here are a few more resources to check out…

Subscribe: Join the 7 Figure Flipping email list to get the latest house flipping and wholesaling secrets, plus insider access to real estate investing tips, training, and more! Click Here: https://7figureflipping.com/subscribe

7 Figure Flipping Podcast: Subscribe and get more episodes like this one delivered to you every week! Click Here: https://7figureflipping.com/listen

Facebook Group: We’ve built a community of serious investors who are learning and growing their businesses together. Join the Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fliphacking/

Grow Your House Flipping / Wholesaling Business WITHOUT Guesswork or Trial-and-Error

Find out EXACTLY what you need to be working on TODAY to do more deals, make more money, and free up your time.

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All Episodes

7FF 730: “Deed Hunter Method” for Buying Properties for Cents on the Dollar
July 26, 2024
7FF 729: This is Why People Need to Know What You’re Doing as a Real Estate Investor
July 18, 2024
7FF 728: Find Investment Properties on the MLS Using Keywords
July 16, 2024
7FF 727: Why Real Estate Agents are an Investor’s “Secret Weapon”
July 11, 2024
7FF 726: The 1 Question You Need to Ask Yourself to Raise UNLIMITED Private Money for Your Business
July 9, 2024